Foto Sarah Ringoet

.500 questions

Sarah Ringoet
di 9 mei en wo 10 mei

In deze voorstelling stelt Sarah Ringoet 500 vragen aan haar publiek. Het is een uitnodiging voor de toeschouwer om via deze vragen een reis te maken langs de eigen emotionele logica.

Engels gesproken / English spoken
For English see below

Een rauwe, poëtische, radicale, tekstuele en ontwapenende voorstelling geschreven en gebracht door Sarah Ringoet. Ringoet schreef de tekst in 2021 en deze werd gepubliceerd in haar nieuwe collectie poetry en theaterteksten .in which dimension are we dancing die onlangs (december 2022) uitkwam bij it&fb in Amsterdam. .500 questions is een uitnodiging tot onderzoek. Grappige en filosofische vragen die je aan het denken zetten en in je hart terecht komen.


.500 questions is a raw, poetical, radical and disarming performance written and performed by Sarah Ringoet.
In this performance, Ringoet invites the audience to answer 500 questions. The performance is a journey along the emotional logic of the spectator. 
An invitation to research. .500 questions, witty and philosophical that get in your head and wander around your heart.


text and performance Sarah Ringoet
text editor Dorothy Lawrenson
light Coen Jongsma
sound design Robbi Meertens

A special thank you to Fabián Santarciel de la Quintana, Lois Maat, Inge Smolders, Pauline Litular, Rachel Schuit

Meer over de makers

Sarah Ringoet (Belgium, 1977) is a theatre director, performer and playwright living in Amsterdam. She teaches physical theatre and text at the Amsterdam University of the Arts where she also is a mentor and advisor. Ringoet’s performances have been nominated for the VSCD Mimeprijs and the BNG Nieuwe Theatermakersprijs. In 2014 STRIPPED was released, a first collection of Dutch and Flemish theatre texts, followed by M2  in 2015. 

In 2020 Sarah Ringoet wrote the official Dutch theatre text for Jihad for Love, based on the best selling book A Jihad for Love by Mohamed El Bachiri & David van Reybrouck. 
In 2021 NOT | STILL was published, Ringoet’s first work in English: a trilogy of raw, intimate and poetical monologues about desire and loss.

.in which dimension are we dancing is Ringoet’s second work in English, a collection of poems and theatre texts; darkness, solitude and the search for genuine  connection. The verse has urgency and narrative momentum, is heartfelt and is at times devastating, at times witty. The text of 500 questions is a part of this collection.