
On this page you can find more about us and a list of performances that are English spoken or without the use of language at all.

Need some help with your order? Feel free to contact our box office: kassa@theaterbellevue.nl 

The function of art is to do more  
than to tell it like it is - it's to  
imagine what is possible
bell hooks (VS, 1952-2021)  

About Theater Bellevue

For over 120 years, Theater Bellevue has been in the heart of the city and has always been a place humming with activity. In three auditoria, from midday till the small hours at night, there’s a constant stream of the public, artists, writers, creatives, and curious passers-by, in search of a connection. Theatre, dance, cabaret, and anything remotely similar, is sure to move you, let you find yourself is good company, have a good conversation, or just have a good time in the theatre auditorium as well as in the infamous theatre café De Smoeshaan.

No Dutch Required Program

    • wo 15 mei
      Grote Zaal
    • do 16 mei
      Grote Zaal
  • The Whistler of Dreams

    Raphael Rodan / Erik Sjøholm
    di 21 mei 20:00 - 21:00
    Raphael Rodan, een Joodse verhalenverteller, speelt in samenwerking met de Finse muzikant Erik Sjøholm de voorstelling The Whistler of Dreams.
    Klein Bellevue
  • A Fist of Tongues

    Sunni Lamin Barrow
    di 21 mei 20:30
    Hoe beïnvloedt je omgeving wie je mag zijn?
    Grote Zaal
van 6